Key reports

ETUC, Adaptation to Climate Change and the world of work, 2020

Click here to download the report.

ETUC, Involving trade unions in climate action to build a just transition, 2018

Click here to download the report.

Eurofound, Industrial relations and sustainability: The role of social partners in the transition towards a green economy, 2011

Click here to download the report.

ITUC, Climate justice: There are no jobs on a dead planet, 2015

Click here to download the report.

UNEP, Climate Change, its Consequences on Employment and Trade Union Action, 2008

Click here to download the report.

UNEP, ILO, Labour and the Environment: A Natural Sinergy, 2007

Click here to download the report.

Eurofound, Environemntal protection in Europe. The effects of cooperation between the social partners, 1994

Eurofound, Industrial Relations and the Environment in the E.C., 1992
